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History of Traditional Thai Massage (Nuad bo-rarn)

History of Traditional Thai Massage (Nuad bo-rarn)

History of traditional Thai Massage (Nuad Borarn)

Traditional Thai Massage (also called Nuad bo-rarn) is a complementary therapy and is believed to be developed by Jivaka Kumar Bhacca, physician to Buddha, more than 2,500 years ago in India. Since then as it made its way to Thailand many influences of Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine principles have been incorporated such as: acupressure, reflexology, Yoga-like stretches along with its own techniques of gentle rocking, deep stretching, compression and joint mobilisations to form a unique body therapy.


Traditional Thai Massage has gained popularity in recent years as more tourists are returning from Thailand with lasting impressions of a massage that is similar to Yoga-like stretches without having to do the hard work.


The No.1 Pain Relief Clinic

The No.1 Pain Relief Clinic uses Traditional Thai Massage to help relieve pain which may be caused by a variety of physiological or psychological conditions. This is then supplemented by other forms of treatment alongside current evidence based research to support its use for pain relief to provide a more enhanced comprehensive holistic approach.

Tracey Chuwen

I was looking for an experienced massage therapist and was recommended to see Nick due to his professionalism and clinical knowledge by a Stockport college therapy lecturer.


Nick used aromatherapy oils as a medium and explained the benefits of each essential oil for my ailments involving me throughout the decision process.


Following the treatment I felt like I had just worked out in a gym! I also felt totally re-energised Nick you unblocked everything I needed to empty my bladder afterwards!


Well well well I can honestly say that was the best massage I have ever had! Nick is a natural healer spread the word...

Thanks Nick

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Unit 6, Tongue Lane Ind. Est,

Dew Pond Lane, Buxton, SK17 7LF

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