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History of Dorn Method

Dieter Dorn (1938-2011) developed the Dorn Method after sustaining a work injury and receiving treatment for his injury by a renowned local healer based in Germany.


Following recovery Dieter Dorn wanted to learn the techniques that he had received, but unfortunately the healer had died. However with the help of a medical doctor (Dr. Hansen) and studies in anatomy and physiology, together they experimented with the techniques that Dieter Dorn had received during his treatment with the late healer.


For several years they continued to clinically experiment and test the various techniques on patients until they were confident of their research results to formulate the new techniques into a therapy known today as the “Dorn Method”. 


History of Dorn Method

Helder Machado - Martial Arts Instructor

Nick's knowledge and professionalism throughout my treatments was excellent. His help and treatments in my recovery plan have been second to none and has even improved my Martial Arts performance. Thank you Nick!

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Following the success of the Dorn Method with patients, Dieter Dorn started to give seminars in which many people learned from him with equal success.  Today the Dorn Method has become a very popular therapy amongst health practitioners and patients alike as a beneficial addition to promote health and well-being. 


The No.1 Pain Relief Clinic uses Shiatsu to help relieve pain which may be caused by a variety of physiological or psychological conditions. This is then supplemented by other forms of treatment alongside current evidence based research to support its use for pain relief to provide a more enhanced comprehensive holistic approach.

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